Free forum hosting? Forget it!

Free forum hosting? Forget it! provides you with top-notch web hosting for your forums for just £0.49 per month.

Here’s what you get:

  • Unmetered bandwidth: Host your forum without worrying about running out of data.
  • 5 GB NVMe Storage: Get ample space to store your forum content.
  • 24/7 support via Discord: Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you through our Discord channel.

Why choose

  • Reliability: Our fast and reliable servers ensure a smooth experience for your forum users.
  • Control with cPanel: Manage your forum with ease using the powerful cPanel interface.
  • Security: Benefit from features like free SSL certificates to keep your forum secure.
  • Peace of mind: Our daily backups safeguard your forum data.
  • Affordability: Enjoy top-notch hosting at an unbeatable price of just £0.49 per month.

Ready to get started?

Visit to sign up and start building your online community!

We strive for transparency and honesty in our communication. We acknowledge that our hosting services may not be suitable for all users, particularly those who require round-the-clock technical support. Please consider the following factors before choosing our hosting:

  • Storage and bandwidth: While you have unmetered bandwidth, be mindful of your storage usage. The 5 GB NVMe storage should be sufficient for most forums, but you can always upgrade if needed.
  • Support: Keep in mind that support is provided through Discord only. If you prefer traditional support channels like email or live chat, this might not be ideal.

By considering these points, you can decide if is the right fit for your forum needs.

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